Buffet Runner
Experience Level Intermediate Size 16 x 57 inches Materials South Maid crochet cotton size 10: 800 yds No 1 white Steel crochet hook size 8 Spray starch Rustproof pins Padded pinning board Pressing cloth Gauge Motif: 4 inches in diameter Pattern Notes Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Allow sufficient cotton for larger runner Each motif requires 11-1/2 yards. Picot: Se in ch lp, ch 3, se in first ch of ch-3, sc in same ch lp, Motifs- Make 69 Rnd 1: Ch 12, join to form a ring ch 3 (first dc), 23 dc in ring, sl st to join in top of beg ch-3. (24) Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same st as beg ch I, l ch 3, sk next dc, sc in next dc] 11 times, ch 1, hdc in beg St. (12 ch Ips) Rnd 3: Ch 1, se in lp just fanned, [ch 4, sc in next ch Ip] 11 times, ch 1, dc in beg se. (12 ch Ips) Rnd 4: Ch I, picot in Ip just formed, [ch 5, se in next ch lp, ch 5, picot in next ch Ip] 5 times, ch 5, sc in next ch Ip, ch 2, dc in beg sc, (6 picots) Rnd 5: Ch 1, se in lp just formed, [ch 7, sk picot, picot in next ch-5 Ip, ch 5, picot in next ch lp] 6 times, ending with sl st in first sc which becomes the last sc of picot. Rnd 6 (Basic pattern): Sl st into ch 7 1p, ch 1, [7 sc in ch-7 Ip, ch 9, picot in ch-S lp, ch 9] 6 times, sl st in first sc, fasten off. Rep Rnds 1-6 for rem motifs. Rnd 6 (Joining motifs): SI st into ch-7 [p, ch 1, *7 sc in ch-7 lp, ch 4, sl st in center of corresponding ch-9 Ip on adjacent motif, ch 4, picot in next ch-5 lp on working motif, ch 4, sl st in center of next ch-9 lp on adjacent motif, ch 4, rep from * across adjacent motifs, then work in basic pattern around rem of motif. Assembly Note: Beginning on 1 side, motifs will be arranged in rows, joining motifs to 2., 4 or 6 ch-9 Ips, depending on touching edges as motifs are completed. First row: 13 motifs, joined across 2 ch-9 Ips with 4 free Ips between motifs. Second row: 14 motifs, placed between each set of 2 motifs from previous row. Third row: 15 motifs, placed between each set of 2 motifs from previous row. Fourth row: 14 motifs, placed between each set of 2 motifs from previous row. Fifth row: 13 motifs, placed between each set of 2 motifs from previous row. Finishing Pin runner to size on padded pinning board. Spray with starch, cover with pressing cloth, press and allow to dry completely.
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