Crochet Pillow Top
Experience Level Easy Size 15-inch square pillow Materials J. & P. Coats Knit-era-Sheen cro¬chet cotton size 10: 225 yds No 1 white Steel crochet hook size 7 15-inch chintz pillow Straight pins Sewing needle and thread Gauge Motif: 41/2 inches square Pattern Note Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Motifs Make 9 Rod 1: Ch 6, join to form a ring, ch 6 (first tr, ch 2), [tr in ring, ch 2] 11 times, sl st to join in 4th ch of beg ch- 6.(12 tr) Rnd 2: SI st in next ch-2 sp, ch 4 (first tr), work 2 tr, ch 3, 3 tr in same ch sp, ch 5, sk next 2 SpS, [3 tr, ch 3, 3 tr in next ch-2 sp, ch 5, sk 2 sps] rep around, sl st to join in top of beg ch-4. Rnd 3: 51 st into corner ch-S sp, ch 4 (first tr), 3 tr, ch3, 4 tr in same ch-S sp, ch 6,. sc in center of ch-S sp, ch 6, 14 tr, ch 3, 4 tr in next corner ch-3 sp, ch 6,. sc in center of next ch-5 sp, ch 61 rep around, 51 st to join in top of beg ch-4. Rod 4: 51 st into corner ch-S sp, ch 4, 4 tr, ch 3,. 5 tr in same ch-S sp, ch 12, [5 tr, ch 3, 5 tr in next ch-3corner sp, ch 12] rep around, 51 st to join in top of beg ch-s. Rnd 5: sl st into corner ch-3 sp, ch 4 (first tr), 5 tr, ch 3, 6 tr in same ch-3 sp, ch 8, sc in center of next ch-12 sp, ch 8, 16 tr, ch3, 6 tr in next ch-S corner sp, ch 8, sc in center of next ch-12 sp, ch 81, rep around, 51 st to join in top of beg ch-e, Rnd 6: Ch 1, sc in same st as beg ch-I, [sc in each tr to next corner ch sp, in corner sp work 2 sc, ch 5, sc, ch 7, sc, ch 5 and sc (triple picot), sc in each tr, 8 sc in each next 2 ch-S sps] rep around, sl st to join in beg sc, fasten off. Finishing Lightly steam motifs, block to same size. Note: Motifs are joined in 3 strips of 3 motifs. First ship Holding 2 motifs with right sides tog and working through corresponding picots of both motifs tog, sl st in ch-5 picot of 2 motifs tog, ch 1, sl st in next ch-f picot, ch 30, sl st in next ch-S picot at next comer, ch 1, sl st in ch-7 picot, fasten off. Join 1 mare motif to complete first strip. Second & third strips Make 2 more strips of 3 motifs each the same as first strip. Joining strips Holding 2 strips with right sides tog and working through corresponding picots of both strips, sl st in first ch- 7 picot, *ch 1, sl st in next ch-S picot, ch 30, sl st in ch-S picot at next comer, [ch 1, sl st in next ch-7 picot] twice, rep from * once, ch 1,. sl st in next ch-5 picot, ch 30, sl st in ch-5 picot at next corner, ch 1, sl st in next ch-7 picot, fasten off. Join 3rd strip in 2nd strip in same manner .. Pin pillow top to front of chintz pillow. With sewing needle and thread, tack to pillow around outer edges at picots. ll«
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