Eighties Fashions

red-dressIt was the time when Pop Diva Madonna crooned ‘Like A Virgin’ in her lacy tops and fishnet stockings worn with short skirts. Perceived by some as ‘shocking’, she left an indelible mark during her time. Yeah! We are talking about the rocking 80s. Get the entire scoop on some of the hottest trends of that era.

With heavy influences from the music industry and MTV, it was during this time, the younger generation, in their bid to be hip and cool, rushed to all the nearest shopping areas to emulate their favorite star. Movies like ‘Footloose’ and ‘Flashdance’ with their ripped sweatshirts made a huge style statement and influenced the minds and hearts of the younger generation.

Fashion in the 80s was also more than just influences from movies and the music industry. It was about a whole lot of people trying to make a statement about their own individuality. High on bling, it was also the time when people turned adventurous in terms of the fabrics being used or the way their hair was styled.

The denim got a new look being acid washed and it found its way into the wardrobes of many. These streaked jeans became hugely popular with both male and female fashion enthusiasts. Teamed with red or black studded jackets (inspired by Michael Jackson) and accessorized with fingerless gloves, it was not an uncommon sight to see the teens trying their best to emulate their pop idols.

This was the time for flashy bling. Right from the shoulder pads to the earrings, it was all screaming for attention. Bands like the ‘Human League’ popularized the asymmetrical look in hairstyle, which could be wild as if teased by the wind or simply splashed with loud colors. Volume for the hair, topped with glitter for some, caught on hugely. Rock bands like ‘Bon Jovi’ and ‘Scorpions ‘, also flaunted their big hair-dos with flamboyance. The old adage ‘Bigger is better’ was truly personified by these groups.

Apart from bling, tattooing, body piercing, wearing multiple watches on one arm or even sporting ‘shades’ at night were some of the varied trends that took shape in the 80s. Teenage boys were known to pierce their ears, irrespective of what the adults would think. Men even went to the extent of using eyeliner and lipstick as worn by the likes of ‘Boy George’.

When it came to footwear for women, things got a little uncomfortable. But the hardcore fashion enthusiasts would do anything for fashion and how! The loud red or pink high-heeled stilettos, which were in vogue, were given stiff competition by see-through flat sandals. These scored high on looks, but were very low on the comfort level, being made of plastic. But like they say, anything for fashion! Colored and metallic clutch bags helped to complete the look.

With the popularity of aerobics, dancewear gained impetus and it was no longer restricted to the dance floor. It became a style statement when combined with casual wear. Available in varied colors, and even sizes, one could simply team them up with denims and boogey the night away. (Inspired from Jane Fonda’s aerobic videos.)

The 80s may not be in fashion now, but it was a period that set many trends, some of which are prevalent even today!

Definitely 80s:

  • Shoulder Pads
  • Flats
  • Heavy Mascara
  • Stonewashed Jeans
  • Legwarmers
  • Mini Skirts
  • Leather Jackets
  • Hoop Earrings
  • Fingerless Gloves

Article from http://www.buzzle.com/

By Kashmira Lad



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