Fabric Designer Tools

These are the essential tools used for stitching garments:

  1. Fabric-the designer’s medium.
  2. Scissors-to cut fabric.
  3. Tape measure-to measure patterns and fabric.
  4. Thread-to stitch fabric.
  5. Pins-to pin patterns to fabric, and pin seams togetherin preparation for stitching.
  6. Seam ripper-to remove unwanted stitching.
  7. Thread clippers-to snip threads after stitching.
  8. Point turner-to get perfect angled corners on collars and cuffs.
  9. Buttonhole cutter-to cut open machine stitched buttonholes.
  10. Embroidery scissors-for precise cutting into a point.
  11. Machine sewing needles-for stitching seams with the sewing machine.
  12. Hand sewing needles-for stitching seams and hems by hand.
  13. Fabric marking pen or chalk-for marking.
  14. seams, darts points, and matchpoints.
  15. Loop turner-for turning bias loops.
  16. Pressing ham-a pressing aid.
  17. Pressing cloth-to protect the fabric surface   from the iron.
  18. Iron-for pressing garments.
  19. Bobbin-for stitching seams; both top thread and bobbin threads are needed to stitch seams.
  20. Seam gauge-for measuring the seam allowance.
  21. Awl-for marking dart points and match points on the pattern and fabric.
  22. Tracing wheel-for tracing the pattern line in pattern making and seamlines for stitching; can be either plain edge or serrated.





JULIE COLE SHARON CZACHOR – Buy this book from Amazon Professional Sewing Techniques for Designers

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