Free knitting-sweater – Centre Stage

Centre Stage








To fit:








34 in.

36 in.

38 in

40 in.

42 in.

44 in.


[86 cm]

[92 cm]

[97 cm]

[102 cm]

[107 cm]

[112 cm]

Length from shoulder:

22 in.

22 in.

23 in.

23 in.

24 in.

24 in.


[56 cm]

[56 cm]

[58.5 cm]

[58.5 cm]

[61 cm]

[61 cm]

All measurements are approximate



Material required: (as illustrated)

Bouquet Frost


Free knitting-sweater – Centre Stage-16 (6:6:7:7:8) * 50g balls Honey 2307

1 pair needle size 3.25 mm (Canadian size 10, American Size 3)

1 pair needle size 4.00 mm (Canadian size 8, American Size 6)

Or whatever size needles you require to achieve correct tension.

1 cable needle

2 stitch holders



22 sts and 30 rows to 4 in., [10 cm], measured over stocking stitch using larger size needles.



C4B – slip next 2sts to a cable needle, hold at back of work, knit next 2 sts, then knit 2 sts from cable needle.

C3B- slip next st to cable needle, hold at back of work, knit next 2 sts, then knit st from cable needle.

C3F – slip next 2sts to a cable needle, hold at front of work, knit next st, then knit 2 sts from cable needle.

T3B- slip next st to cable needle, hold at back of work, knit next 2 sts, then purl st from cable needle.

T3F- slip next 2sts to a cable needle, hold at front of work, purl next stitch, then knit 2 sts from cable needle.

BIG AND LITTLE CABLE: (Worked over 26 sts)

Row 1: (Right side) P11, C4B, P11

Row 2: K11, P4, K11

Row 3: P10, C3B, C3F, P10

Row 4: K10, P6, K10

Row 5: P9, C3B, K2, C3F, P9

Row 6: K9, P8, K9

Row 7: P8, T3B, C4B, T3F, P8

Row 8: K8, P2, K1, P4, K1, P2, K8

Row 9: P7, T3B, P1, K4, P1, T3F, P7

Row 10: K7, P2, K2, P4, K2, P2, K7

Row 11: P6, T3B, P2, C4B, P2, T3F, P6

Row 12: K6, P2, K3, P4, K3, P2, K6.

Row 13: P5, T3B, P3, K4, P3, T3F, P5

Row 14: K5, P2, K4, P4, K4, P2, K5

Row 15: P5, K2, P4, C4B, P4, K2, P5

Row 16: As row 14

Row 17: P5, T3F, P3, K4, P3, T3B, P5

Row 18: As row 12.

Row 19: P6, T3F, P2, C4B, P2, T3B, P6.

Row 20: As row 10.

Row 21: P7, T3F, P1, K4, P1, T3B, P7

Row 22:  As row 8

Row 23: P8, T3F, C4B, T3B, P8.

Row 24: As row 6.

Row 25: P9, T3F, K2, T3B, P9

Row 26: As row 4.

 Row 27: P10, T3F, T3B, P10.

Row 28: As row 2.

Rep rows 1 – 28 for cable pattern.



With smaller size needles, cast on 94 (98: 104: 110: 114: 112) sts.

Work in K1, P1 rib for 3 in., {7.5 cm], inc 1 stitch at centre of last row.

95 (99:105:111:115:123} sts.

Change to larger size needles and  work I patt as follows:

Row 1: (Right side) K1, (1:2:1:1:1), *P1, K3, rep from * to last 2 (2:3:2:2:2) sts,  P1, K1 (1:2:1:1:1)

Row 2: Purl

Row 3: K3 (3:4:3:3:3), P1, *K3, P1 rep from * to last 3 (3:4:3:3:3) sts, K3 (3:4:3:3:3)

Row 4: Purl.

Rep rows 1-4 until work measures 20 (20:21:21:22:22) in.,

[51 (51:53.5:53.5:56:56) cm] from beg, ending with right side facing for next row.




Next row: Patt 38 (40:42:45:46:50)sts, TURN.

Leave rem 57 ( 59:63:66:69:73) sts on a st holder.

*Working on the 38 ( 40:42:45:46:50) sts, cast  off  3 sts at beg of next row for neck edge.

Cast off 3 sts at neck edge every other row once.

Cast off 2 sts at neck edge every other row once.

Dec 1 stitch at neck edge every row 3 times.

Work even on rem 25 (27:29:32:33:37) sts until work measures

22 (22:23:23:24:24) in., [56 (56:58.5:58.5:61:61) 61 cm] from beg, ending with right side facing for next row.

Cast off.*

Rep from * to*.



Work rib as given from back, inc on last row as follows:

Rib 30 (32:35:38:41:44),inc 6 (6:6:6:8:6) sts evenly spaced across next 34 ( 34:34:34:32:34) sts, rib to end.

100 (104:110:116:122:128)sts.

Change to larger size Needles ans establish patt as follows:

Row 1: (right side) K4 (2:1:4:3:2), [P1,K3] 6 (7:8:8:9:10) times,

P1 K1, P3, P4, work row 1 of cable over next 26 sts, K4, P3,

K1, P1 *[K3, P1] 6 (7:8:8:9:10) times, K4 (2:1:4:3:2).

Row 2: P30 (32:35:38:41:44), K3, P4, work row 2 of cable over

Next 26 sts, P4, K3, P30 (32:35:38:41:44).

Row 3: K6, (4:3:6:5:4), P1, [K3, P1] 5 (6:7:7:8:9) times,

K3, P3, C4B, work row 3 of cable over next 26 sts, C4B, P3, K3,

[P1, K3] 5(6:7:78:9) times, P1, K6 (4:3:6:5:4)

Row 4: P30 (32:35:38:41:44), K3,P4,  work row 4 of cable over next 26 sts. P4, K3,

P30 (32:35:38:41:44).

Work in patt as establish rep rows 1-4 on side panels as given above and working cable patt as establish over centre 26 sts, until work measures 13 ½ (13 ½ 14 ½ 14 ½ 15 ½ 15 ½ ) in.,

[34.5 (34.5: 37:37: cm] from beg, ending with right side facing for next row.



Next row: Patt 47 (49:52:55:58:61) sts, work 2 sts tog for at neck edge. TURN.

Leave rem 51 (53:56:59:62:65) sts on a holder.

**Dec 1 stitch at neck edge every row 7 more times, then every other row 10 (10:11:11:13:12) times, then every foll 4th row 6 times.

Work even on rem 25 (27:29:32:33:37) sts until work measures same as back to shoulder, ending with right side facing for next row.

Cast off.**

Leave 2 sts on st holder for centre of V.

With right side facing, hoin yarn to rem 49 (51:54:57:60:63) sts.

Work 2 sts tog for dec at neck edge, patt to end of row.

Rep from ** to **.



Join right shoulder seam.

With right side facing and smaller size needles pick up and knit

161 (161:163:163:165:165) sts for neckband as follows:

55 sts down left slope of front neck: K2tog from st holder, mark this st as centre st. 55 sts up right slope of front neck; 19 (19:21:21:23:23)sts, dec 1 stistch at centre from st holder for centre back neck; 16 sts up left slope back neck.

Row 1: P1, K1, P1, rep from *to 2 st before centre st, K2tyog  tbl, P1( centre st), K2tog, P1, **K1, P1 rep from ** to end of row.

Row 2: Starting with K1, work in rib as established to 2 sts before centre st, P2tog, K1 (centre st), P2tog, tbl, rib to end as establish

Rep rows 1 and 2 for ¾ in., [2 cm]. ending with right side facing for next row. Cast off in rib.



Join left shoulder and neckband seam. Mark armholes 8 (8:8 ½ :9:9 ½ :10) in.,

[20.5 (20.5:21.5:23:24:25.5) cm] to either side of shoulder seams.

With right side facing and smaller sixe needles, pick up and knit 96 (96:102:108:114:120) sts evenly between markers.

Work in K1, P1 rib for ¾ in., [2 cm], ending with right side facing for next row. Cast off in rib.



Join side and armband seams.



 Free knitting-sweater – Centre Stage-2






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