SIZE: Mother, 10” high MATERIALS: Knitting worsted, 1-4oz. Skein gold. Crochet hook size G. Dacron stuffing. Scraps of black and gold felt. Felt of gold print fabric. Broidery floss, black and red. Craft glue yarn needle GAYGE: 4sc=1” MOTHER: BODY: Beg at bottom. Ch2 Rnd1: 6sc in 2nd ch from hook. Rnd2: 2sc in each sc- 12sc. Rnd3: “Sc in next sc, 2sc in next sc, Rnd4: Repeat rnd 3-27sc Rnd5: *sc in 2sc, 2 sc in next sc Repeat from* around- 36 sc. Rnd 6: Repeat rnd 5-48 sc. Rnds7-9 Work even. Rnd10: *sc  in 5sc, 2sc in next sc Repeat from * around-56sc Rnds11-24:work even. Rnd25:* sc in 5 sc, work 2 sc tog, repeat from* around-48 sc. Rnds 26-28: work even. Rnd29: * sc in 4 sc, Work 2 sc tog, repeat From * around 40sc Rnds 30-32 : work even Rnd33:*sc in 3sc work 2 sc tog, repeat from* around-28 sc Rnds 34-36 work even Rnds 37 *sc in 6 sc, work 2 sc tog repeat from* around-28 sc Rnds 38-39: work even Rnd40: * sc in 2 sc, work 2 sc tog, repeat from* around-21 sc Rnds 41-42: work even Rnd43: *sc in next sc, work 2 sc tog, Repeat from * around- 14 sc Rnds 44-45: work even. End off stuff, leave neck open TAIL: ch2 work 4sc in 2nd ch from hook. Work 1 rnd even. Inc. 1sc in next rnd. Repeat last 2 rnds until there are 18 sc. Work 10 rnds even. Inc. 2 sc on next rnd-20 sc. Work 10 even. End off, Stuff sew in place. HEAD: Beg at nose, ch 2 Rnd1: 6sc in 2nd ch from hook> Rnd2: work even. Rnd3: 2 sc in each sc around. Rnd4: work even- 12sc Rnd5: sc in next sc, 2sc in next sc, Repeat from * around. Rnds6-9: work even-18sc Rnd10: repeat rnd 5-27sc. Rnds11-18: work even. Rnd19: * sc in next sc, work 2 sc tog, Repeat from * around-18sc Rnd20: work even. Rnd21: Repeat rnd 19-12 sc. Stuff head. Work 1 rnd even; sew up hole; sew to neck EAR: (make 2):ch 5. sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 3 ch. Ch 1, turn each row. Work 4 more rows of 4 sc. Dec 2 sc n next row. Work 2 sc tog. End off, line ears with print fabric if desired. Sew on ears. POUCH: ch 11. sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next 9 ch. Work 1 row even. Inc. 1st each side of next row and each row until there are 22 sc. Work 2 rows even inc 1st each side of next row. Work 8 rows even. End off line pouch if desired. Sew to front of toy leaving room at top for baby to fit in. ARM: (Make2) beg at top, ch 7 sl st in first ch To form ring. Work 4 rnds of 7 sc Dec 2 sc in next rnd-5 sc. Form elbow: Sc in 3 sc, ch 1, turn ; sc in same 3 sc  ch 1 turn, sc in same 3 sc and continue around other sts. Work 3 rnds even on 5 sc. Inc 3 sc in next sc tog around . End off, stuff, sew up, sew to toy. HAUNCH (Make 2) Work as for body through rnd3 Rnd4: Work even. Rnd5: Repeat rnd 3-27 sc. Rnd6: Work even. Rnd7 * sc in 2 sc, 2sc  in next sc, Repeat from * around -36sc Rnds 8and 9: Work even. At end of rnd 9, Ch 1, turn. Sc in each of 10 sc Ch 1, Turn. sc in each of 10sc. End off ( bottom of haunch ). Stuff, sew to body, leaving front open for 1” above bottom edge. LEG ( make 2): Ch 2  Work 6 sc in 2nd Ch from hook. Work 2 sc in each sc around. Work 11 rnds even on 12 sc. End off. Stuff, Insert in opening of haunch and sew in place. Embroider nose in black satin stitch;Mouth is red straight stitch. Cut black felt circles for eyes, gold crescent eyelids. Glue in place. BABY: BODY: Ch 16 Sl st in first ch to Form ring. Work 4 rnds of 16 sc. On 5th Rnd ( sc to 2 sc, work next 2 sc tog) 4 times. Work 2 rnds even. on 8th rnd (sc in next sc, work 2 sc tog) 4 times. Work 2 rnds even- 8sc. End off ( neck edge) Sew bottom edge tog flat. Stuff HEAD: Ch 2. Work 4 sc in 2nd ch from hook. Work 1 rnd even.  On next rnd, Inc in every other st -6 sc. Work 1 rnd even. Repeat last 2 rnds- 9sc. On next rnd Inc In every 3rd st -12 sc. Work 1 rnd even. On next rnd (sc in next sc, work 2 sc tog) 4 times – 8sc. Stuff head. (Work 2 sc Tog) 4 times. Sew up opening. Sew head to body. FOOT(make 2): Ch 5 sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch. Ch 1, turn. Sc in each sc. Sew last row to beg ch. Sew one end to front of body toward side and bottom. ARM:(make 2) Ch 4. Work as for foot. Sew to upper body. TAIL: Ch 6. Sc in 2nd  ch from hook and In each ch. Work 3 more rows of 5sc. Dec 1 sc on next row. Work 2 rows even Dec 1 sc on next row. Work 1 rows even Dec 1 sc on next row. End off. Sew long Sides tog. Do not stuff. Sew to body EAR( make 2): ch 3. Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in next ch. Work 1 row even Work 2 sc tog. End off. Sew to head. Line ear, if desired. Glue on small black Felt circles for eyes. Embroider black nose, red mouth.[End]


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