Sailing Doily
Experience Level Easy Size 12Jh inches in diameter Mater.ials J. & P. Coats Knit-Cro-Sheen crochet cotton size 10: 300 yds No 180 delft 150 yds No 1 white Steel crochet hook size 7 Spray starch Gauge 7 dc ‘” 1 inch; 3 dc rnds = 1 inch Pattern Notes Weave in loose ends as work progresses. Treble (tr): you hook twice, insert hook in indicated st, you, draw up a lp, [you, draw throuch 2 Ips on hook] 3 times. Doily Rnd 1 (right side): With Delft cotton, ch 8, join to form a ring, ch 3, 19 dc in ring, 51 st to join in top of beg eh-3. (20) . Notes: Rnds 2-6, work in back Ips only. Rnds 2-6: beg eh-3 is first dc of rnd. Rnd 2 (right side): Ch 3, dc in same st as beg ch-3, work 2 dc in each rem st around, sl st to join in top of beg ch-S, (40) . Rnd 3: Ch 3, 2 dc in next st, [dc in next st, 2 dc in next st] rep around, sl st to join in top of beg eh-3. (60) Rnd 4: ch 3; dc in next st, 2 dc in next st, [dc in each next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st] rep around, 51 st to join in top of beg ch-3. (80) Rnd 5: Ch 3, dc in each next 2 sts, 2 dc in next st, [dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in next st] rep around, sl st to join in top of beg ch-3. (l00) Rnd 6: Ch 3, dc in next 3 sts, 2 dc in next st, [dc in next 4 sis, 2 dc in next st] rep around, 51 st to join in top of beg ch-S, (120) Rnd 7 (Right side): Ch 1, sc in same st as beg ch-I, ch 2, sk 2 dc, [sc in next dc, ch 2, sk 2 dc] rep around, sl st to join in beg sc. (40 ch Ips) Rnd 8: Sl st into ch lp, ch 1, sc in same ch lp, ch 3, dc in same ch lp, [sc in next ch lp, ch 3, 2 dc in same ch IpJ rep around, 51 st to join in beg sc. Rnd 9: SI st into top of ch-3 lp, ch I, sc in same ch lp, eh 3, 2 dc in same eh lp, [sc in next eh-3 lp, ch 3, 2 dc in same ch-S lp] rep around, 51 st to join in beg sc, Rnds 10-12: [Rep Rnd 9] 3 times. Rnd 13: 81 st Into top of ch-S lp, eh 1, sc in same eh-3 lp, ch 3, 3 dc in same ch lp, [sc in next ch-3 lp, ch 3,3 dc in same ch-S lp] rep around, sl st to join in beg sc .. Rnd 14: Sl st into top of ch-3 lp, ell 1, sc in same ch-3 lp, ch 3,4 dc in same ch-3 lp, [sc in next ch-S lp, ch 3, 4 dc in same ch-3 lp] rep around, 51 st to join in beg sc. Rnd 15: Sl st into top of ch-3 lp, ch 1, se in same ch-S lp, eh 5, [sc in next ch-3 lp, ch 5] rep around, 51 st to join in beg sc. Rnd 16 (right side): Ch 1, sc in same sc as beg ch-I, 5 sc in next ch-5 lp, [sc in next SC, 5 sc in next ch-5 Ip] rep around, 51 st to join in beg sc, turn. (240) Boat Bottom Row 17 (Wrong side): Ch 1, sc in same sc as beg ch-I, sc in next 12 sc, turn. (13) Row 18 (Right side): Ch 3, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, 1 dc in each of next 12 se, 4 tr in next sc, fasten off, turn. [With wrong side facing, sk next 11 sc of rnd 16, attach delft cotton in next sc, rep Rows 17 and 18] 9 times. Ten boat bottoms completed. Sail Row I (Right side): Attach white cotton in 3rd dc of Row 18, ch 9, sk next 8 dc, sl st in next dc, turn. Row 2 (Wrong side): Ch 1, work 9 sc over ch-9 lp, turn. Row 3: Ch 1, sk first sc, sc in next 8 sc, turn. Row 4: Ch 1, sc in next 6 sc, sk 1 sc, sc in next sc, turn. Row 5: Ch 1, sk 1 sc, sc in next 6 sc, turn. Row 6: Ch 1, sc in next 4 sc, sk 1 sc, 5C in next sc, turn, Row 7: Ch 1, sk 1 sc, se in next 4 sc, turn. Row 8: Ch 1, sc in next 2 sc, sk 1 sc, sc in next sc, turn. Row 9: Ch 1, sk 1 sc, sc in next 2 sc, turn. Row 10: Ch 1, sk 1 sc, sc in next sc, fasten off. [Rep Rows 1-101 9 times. Masts [With right side facing, attach Delft cotton in 8th dc of Row 18,. ch 10, sl st in sc of Row 10 of sail, ch 12, sk next 6 sts of Row 18 of boat, sl st in next tr, fasten am 10 times. Finishing Place doily on flat padded surface, spray with starch, gently press and allow to dry completely,
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