Sweater with Ribbed Yoke

A classic style with a textured yoke made up of ribs and simple cable twists, and a distinctive cross-over collar. This is a great project for fairly new knitters, as most of the design is worked in stocking stitch. Materials 9(11:13) 50g balls of  cotton Double knitting. Pair each of 3 ¾ mm (US 5) and 4mm (US 6) needles. Long circular 3 ¾ mm (US 5) needle. Measurements To fit ages        2-3    3-4    4-5    years Actual measurements Chest            72    80    88    cm 28 ½    31 ½    34 ½    in Length            35    40    45    cm 13 ¾    15 ¾    17 ¾    in Sleeve length        22    25    28    cm 8 ¾    10    11    in Tension 20 sts and 28 rows to 10cm/4in square over st st using 4mm (US 6) needles. Abbreviations Tw2R – k into front of 2nd st, then front of 1st st and slip both sts off the needle together. Back With 3 ¾ mm (US 5) needles cast on 74(82:90) sts. 1st row K2, * p2,k2: rep from * to end. 2nd row P2, * k2, p2: rep from * to end. Rep the last 2 rows 4(5:6) times more. Change to 4mm (US 6) needles. Beg with a k row, work in sts st until back measures 18(21:24)/7(8 ¼:9 ½ ) in from cast on edge, ending with a k row. Inc row P5(5:4), [m1,p7 (8:9) sts ] 9 times, m1, p6(5:5), 84(92:100) sts. Cont in yoke patt. 1st row K3, * p2, Tw2R, p2, k2; rep from * to last 9 sts, p2, Tw2R, p2, k3. 2nd row P3, * k2, p2; rep from * to last 5 sts, k2, p3. Rep the last 2 rows until back measures 35(40:45)cm/13 ¾ (15 ¾ :17 ¾ ) in from cast on edge, ending with a wrong side row. Shape shoulders Cast off 12(13:14) sts at beg of next 4 rows. Leave the rem 36(40:44) sts on ah holder. Front Work as given for Back until front measures 30(34:38)cm/11 ¾ (13 ½ :15) in from cast on Edge ending with a wrong side row. Shape neck Next row K31 (34:37), turn and work on These sts for first side of neck. Dec one st at neck edge on every row until 24(26:28) sts rem. Cont straight until front measures the same as Back to shoulder, ending at side edge. Shape shoulder Cast off 12(13:14) sts at beg of next row. Work 1 row. Cast off rem 12(13:14) sts. With right side facing, slip centre 22(24:26) sts onto a holder, rejoin yarn to rem sts, patt to end. Complete to match first side. Sleeves With 3 ¾ mm (US 5) needles cast on 42(46:50) sts. 1st row K2, * p2, k2 ; rep from * to end. 2nd row P2, * k2, p2; rep from * to end. Rep the last 2 rows 4(5:6) times more, inc 2(4:4) sts evenly across last row, 44(50:54) sts. Change to 4mm (US 6) needles. Work in st st, inc one st at each end of the 3rd(5th:3rd) and every foll 4th row until there are 64(70:76) sts,ending with an inc row. Inc row P5(5:6), [m1, p18(12:9) sts] 3(5:7) times, m1, p5(5:7), 68(76:84) sts. Cont in yoke patt. 1st row K3, * p2, Tw2R, p2,k2; rep from * to last 9 sts, p2, Tw2R, p2, k3. 2nd row P3, * k2, p2; rep from * to last 5 sts, k2, p3. Cont in patt at the same time inc and work into patt one st At each end of the next and 1(2:3) foll 4th rows. 72(82:92) sts. Cont straight until sleeve measures 22(25:28) cm/8 ¾ (10:11) in from cast on edge, ending with a wrong side row. Cast off. Collar Join shoulder seams. With right facing, using 3 ¾ mm (US 5) circular needle, slip 22(24:26) sts from centre front neck onto needle, pick up and k21 (23:25) sts up right side of front neck, k across 36(40:44) sts from back neck holder, pick up and k21(23:25) sts down left side of front neck, turn and cast on 22(24:26) sts, 122(134:146) sts. Work backwards and forwards in k2, p2, rib as folls: Next row K2, [p2,k2] 20(22:24) times, turn. Next row P2, [k2,p2] 10(11:12) times turn. Cont in rib as set. Next 2 rows Rib to last 38(42:46) sts, turn. Next 2 rows Rib to last 36(40:44) sts, turn. Next 2 rows Rib to last 34(38:42) sts, turn. Cont in this way, working 2 extra sts on every Row until all sts have been worked. Cast off loosely in rib. Make up Sew cast on edge of collar to back of centre front sts. Sew on sleeves. Join side and sleeve seams.

Sweater with Ribbed Yoke-1

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