Wrap Around Scarf


Getting started FINISHED SIZE 20″ wide and 80″ long. YARN Lorna’s Laces Helen’s Lace (50% wool, 50% silk; 1,250 yd [1,143 m]/4 oz [113 g); #43NS sage, 2 skeins. HOOK Size D/3 (3.25 mm). Adjust hook size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. NOTIONS About 805 glass seed beads, size 8°, color: gunmetal, 35 g; yarn needle; short length of thread. GAUGE 1 patt rep = 6-1/4″ across, 17 rows = 4″. Notes Wrap is 3 pact rep wide. Beg each of 3 sections separately to form points, then join them tog on Row 14 and cont as 1 piece. Start each row of “beg points” with an inc as foil: Ch 6, dc in dtr. End each row of beg points with an inc as foil: After last dc in chart, ch 1, dtr in same st as last dc. Start each row of “end points” as foil: Ch 5, foil chart. End each row of end points as foil: Work chart to 2nd to last dc, work 2nd to last dc to final step leaving 2 lps on hook, sk ch-1 sp, dtr in next dc and finish off both sts tog. Edging beads are added during finishing-do not add them while crocheting from chart. Dtr at end of row counts as (ch 1, dc) or (dc, ch 1). For beading, a short length of thread is used as a beading needle (see Stitch Guide). Stitch Guide: Beads are added where noted on chart or where indicated in finishing instructions. Add bead: Pull up a Ip, bring piece of thread through Ip and hold ends tog, remove hook, moisten thread ends, push ends through bead as you would a needle and push bead down over Ipso it is snug next to last st, remove thread from Ip, insert hook back in Ip trapping bead, pulI yarn snug to hook, ch 1. Points (make 3) Row 1: Ch 6 (counts as [ch 1, dc, ch 1] here and throughout), dc in 6th ch from hook, turn-2 dc. Row 2: Ch 6, dc in first dc, ch 1, sk next ch, dc in 5th ch of tch, ch 1, dtr (counts as dc, ch 1; see Notes, Glossary) in same ch, turn-4 dc. Row 3: Ch 6, dc in dtr, ch 1, dc in next dc, 2 dc in next ch-1 sp, dc in next dc, ch 1, dc in 5th ch of tch, ch 1, dtr in same ch, turn-8 dc. Row 4: Ch 6, dc in dtr, ch 1, dc in next dc, 2 dc in next ch-1 sp, do in next 4 dc, 2 do in next ch-1 sp, do in next dc, ch 1, do in 5th ch of tch, ch 1, dtr in same ch, turn-14 dc. Row 5: Ch 6, do in dtr, ch 1, do in next dc, 2 do in next ch-1 sp, do in next 4 dc, ch 1, sk next 2 dc, dc in next 4 dc, 2 do in next ch-1 sp, do in next dc, ch 1, do in 5th ch of tch, ch 1, dtr in same ch, turn-18 dc. Cont inc in est pact at beg and end of each row (see Notes) and at the same time foil Rows 6-13 of Diamonds chart for lace design beg with Row 6, adding beads where indicated (see Stitch Guide). Fasten off (do not fasten off third point). Third point only: Row 14: (W-5) Cont to add beads as indicated on chart and join points as foil: Ch 3 (counts as do here and throughout), 2 do in ch-1 sp, do in next dc, ch 1, dc in next dc, *ch 1, sk next 2 dc, do in next 4 dc, 2 do in next ch-1 sp, do in next dc, [ch 1, dc in next dc] 3 times; rep from * once adding bead at center of diamond, **2 do in next ch-1 sp, do in next 4 dc, ch 1, sk next 2 dc, do in next do**, [ch 1, do in next dc] 3 times; rep from ** to ** once, ch 1, do in next dc, 2 do in next ch-1 sp, (to join points, work through sts of both points at the same time) do in 5th ch of tch and in dtr at edge of next point (counts as last do of previous panel and first dc of next panel), cont with chart across 2nd point then join 3rd point as above. Note: Each dc strip bet panels is 7 dc wide Row 15: (Worked across all 3 joined points) Ch 3, do in next 3 dc, [ch 1, do in next dc] 2 times, *ch 1, sk next 2 dc, dc in next 4 dc, 2 do in next ch-1 sp, do in next do*, [ch 1, do in next dc] 3 times, rep from * to * once, ch 1, do in next dc, **2 do in next ch-1 sp, do in next 4 dc, ch 1, sk next 2 do**, dc in next dc, [ch 1, do in next dc] 3 times, rep from ** to ** once, [dc in next dc, ch 1] 2 times, do in next 4 dc, turn. Rows 14-23 of chart form pact rep for f i rst half of wrap. Work until 13% beaded diamonds are complete, ending with Row 22. Rows 23-32 form pact rep for 2nd half of wrap. Work until 26 full beaded diamonds are complete, ending with Row 32. Beg shaping end points: Row 33: Work first end point to first dc of 7-dc strip. In first dc of strip, dec by working to last step of dc (2 lps on hook), sk next 2 dc, dtr in 4th dc until there are 4 Ips on hook, draw through all 4 lps, turn. Follow chart for Rows 33-43 to form first end point (see Notes). Row 44: Ch 5, dc in next dc, ch 1, sk next 2 dc, dc in next dc working to last step (2 lps on hook), dtr in next dc drawing through all lps on hook, turn. Row 45: Ch 6, dc in next dc. Fasten off. Rep Rows 33-45 for rem end points, making sure to beg and end the first row of each end point at 4th dc in 7-dc strip bet panels. Finishing Starting across long edge of wrap (row ends), join yarn in corner, ch 1, sc across long edge working 3 sc in each row-end to beg of end point. At points, *3 sc in dc sp, add bead, 3 sc in ch-1 sp; rep from * to tip of point. At tip of point, work 3 sc in row-end, add bead, 3 sc in ch-1 sp, add bead, 3 sc in row-end. Rep from to where panels join. At join, work 3 sc in sp before join, add bead in joining sp, 3 sc in sp after join. Cont as est along each end point to 2nd long edge of wrap, work 3 sc in each dc sp along long edge,then rep beading end points on opposite end, sl st in beg ch-1 to join. Fasten off. Weave in loose ends. Block to measurements.


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