Cross Stitch Jigsaw Patterns
These two pattern show you how to make different configurations using the same pattern. Patterns can be used as an all over pattern for clothing, cushions, seat covers etc pattern can also be used as a border or corner motif on table linen, clothing, towels or belts. Pattern below can be used as a centre motif inside the border pattern or used by itself (eg as a drink coaster). used this design to decorate this pin cushion below
Wooden Pin Cushion was worked in cross stitch over two threads using two strands of cotton on a piece of Natural 35 count Dresden,Linen 1,0 cm (4″) square and was set Into a pin cushion base. The base was supplied without any padding, cut three pieces of .5″ thick foam rubber the same diameter as the wooden inset of the base and stuck them together using double sided tape or buy a small piece of foam 1′, to 2″ thick. then cut a piece of white calico the same diameter as the outside measurement of the pin cushion and using a running stitch gathered this fabric over the foam and wooden base inset, pulling it as tightly as Possible then laced this to get rid of the wrinkles, Needlework was then laced onto this using the same method, A twisted cord was made using 1 full skein of DMC 793 and this was stitched Fruit Border Shelves: Six of the Fruit to the edge of the needlework. The cord Borders were worked in cross stitch on was finished off by knotting the ends white 14 Count Aida using three together, trimming about 3 cm away strands of thread and were set into a from the knot and untwisting the ends.
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