Hallway rug

Experience Level Intermediate Size 33″ across at widest point Materials Patons Canadiana worsted weight yarn: 8 (3-oz l85-graml skeins bright blossoms variegated #421 (Mel and 2 (3.5-ozl100-gram) skeins dark periwinkle #140 (Al, medium rose #14 (B)and jade #47 (C) Size N/15 crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge Gauge 9 sc = 5″ with 4 strands held tog To save time, take time to check gauge. Pattern Notes Rug is worked with 4 strands of yarn held tog throughout; divide each skein of dark periwinkle, medium rose and jade into 2 balls each of equal size. Join rods with a sl st unless otherwise stated. When beg each rnd, sk joining sl st, beg rnd in last sc or dc of previous rod. Work last st of each rnd in same st as joining st of previous rnd. Pattern Stitch 2-sc inc: [Sc in back lp, sc in front lp, sc in back lp again] of indicated st. Rug Rnd. 1 (WS): With MC, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook, join in beg sc, ch 1, turn. Rnd 2: 2-se inc in each sc around, join in beg sc, ch 1, turn. (18 sts) Rod 3: [Sc in each of next 2 sts, dc in back lp of next st] rep around, join in beg SC, ch 1, turn. Rnd 4. Sc in next st, [2-se inc in next st, sc in each of next 2 sts] 5 times, 2-sc inc in next st, sc in last st, join in beg sc, ch 1, turn. (30 sts) Rod 5: Sc in each st around, join in beg sc, ch 1, turn. Rnd6: Sc in each of next 2 sts, [2-sc inc in next st. sc in each of next 4 sts 5 times. 2-5C inc in next st, sc in each of last 2 sis. join in beg sc, ch 1. tum. 142 sts) Rnd 7: Rep Rnd 3. {4-2 sts) Rnd 8: Sc in each of next 3 sts, [2-sc inc in next st, sc in each of next 6 sts] 5 times, 2-sc inc in next st, sc in each of last 3 sts, join in beg sc, ch 1, turn. (54 sts) Rnd 9: Rep Rnd 5. (54 sts) Rnd 10: Sc in each of next 4 sts, [2-sc inc in next st, sc in each of next 8 sts] 5 times, 2-sc inc in next st, sc in each of last 4 sts, join in beg SC, ch 1, turn. (66 sts) Rnd 11: Rep Rnd 3. (66 sts) Rnd 12: Sc in each of next 5 sts, [2-sc inc in next st, sc in each of next 10 sts] 5 times, 2-sc inc in next st, sc in each of last 5 sts, join in beg sc, ch 1, tum. (78 sts) Rnds 13, 17 & 21: Rep Rnd 5. Rnds 14, 16, 18, 20,2.2 & 24: Continue in est patt, working 6 2-sc incs on each rod directly above 2-sc incs of previous RS rnd, join in beg sc, ch I, turn, at end of Rnd 24, fasten off. (150 sts at end of Rnd 24) Rnds 15, 19 & 23: Rep Rnd3. Border Rnd 25: With WS facing, attach A with a sl st in back lp of last sc of previous rod, ch 1, working in back Ips only and beg in same st, sc in each st around, Join in beg sc, ch 1, turn. (150 sts) Rnd 26: Sc in back Ip only of each sc around, working 6 2-sc incs directly above 2-sc incs of previous RS md, join in beg sc, fasten off. (162 stsl Rnds 27 & 28: With B, rep Rnds 25 and 26. (174 sc at end of Rnd 28) Rnds 29 & 30: With C, rep Rnds 25 and 26. (186 sts at end of Rnd 30) .;.

Hallway rug-1

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