Welcome home Rug

Experience Level Intermediate Size 33″ in diameter at widest point Materials Bernat Berella “4” worsted weight yarn (3.5 0.z/100 grams per skein); 5 skeins pale colonial blue #8863, 4 skeins medium colonial blue #8861 and 1 skein light tapestry gold #8886 Size J/I0 crochet hook Size N/15 crochet hook or size needed to obtain gauge Large-eyed tapestry needle Gauge 9 sc = 5″ with larger hook and 4 strands held tog To save time, take time to check gauge. Pattern Notes Rug is worked with 4 strands of yarn held tog throughout unless otherwise stated: divide last skein of pale colonial blue into 4 balls of equal amounts. Join rnds with a sl st unless otherwise stated .. when beg each rnd, sk joining sl st, beg rnd in last st of previous rnd, Work last st of each rnd in same st as joining sl st of  previous rnd. Pattern Stitch 2-5C inc: [Sc in front lp, sc in back lp, sc in front lp again] of indicated st. Rug RND 1 (WS): With larger hook and pale colonial blue, ch 2, 6 sc in 2nd ch from hook, join in beg sc, ch 1, tum. (6 sts) RND 2: 2-sc inc in each se around, join in beg sc, ch 1, turn. (18 sts) Rnd 3: [Sc in next st, ch 1, sk 1 st] rep around, join in beg sc, ch 1, turn. RND 4: Working in each ch st (not ch sp) and each sc around, [sc in next st, 2-sc inc in next st, sc in next stl rep around, join in beg sc, ch 1, turn. (30 sts) Rnd 5: Rep Rnd 3. RND 6: [Sc in each of next 2 sts, 2- sc inc in next st, sc in each of next 2 sts rep around. join in beg sc, ch 1. turn ( 42 sts) Rnd 7 and all odd-numbered RNDs through Rnd 25: Rep Rnd 3; at end of Rnd 25, fasten off. RND 8: [Sc in each of next 3 sts, 2-sc inc in next st, sc in each of next 3 sts] rep around, join in beg sc, ch 1, turn. (54 sts) RND 10: [Sc in each of next 4 sts, 2-sc inc in next st, sc in each of next 4 sts] rep around, join in beg SC, ch 1, tum. (66 sts) Rnd 12 and all even-numbered rnds through RND 24: Continue working 6 2-sc incs on every RS RND directly above 6 2-sc incs of previous RS rnd. (150 sts at end of Rnd 24) Border Rnd26: With RS facing) using larger hook, attach medium colonial blue with a sl st in st directly above center sc of any 2-sc inc of last RS row .. ch 1,. 2 sc in same st, [sc in each of next 24 sts, place safety pin or other small marker in I. 21St sc made, 2 sc in next st] 5 times, sc in each of last .24 sts, place marker in last st made, join in beg sc, ch 1, turn. (156 sts: 6 markers placed) RND 27: Sc in each sc around, working :2 scin each marked st, removing markers from previous rnd and placing them on last sts before incs on working rnd. (162 sts) Rnds 28-32: Rep Rnd 27, at end of Rnd 32, fasten off. (192 sts at end of Rnd 32) Border trim With smaller hook, RS facing, attach 2 strands of pale colonial blue with a sl st around post of any sc of Rnd 29, working loosely, [ch I, sl st around post of next sc] rep around, join in beg: sl st, fasten off. Weave in loose ends. With 2 strands of light tapestry gold and smaller hook, work ch 24″ long, leaving 6″ lengths at each end, fasten off. Thread tail at lend of ch into large-eyed tapestry needle. Weave in entire length of tail end on WS of Rnd 27. Thread tail at opposite end of ch into tapestry needle and bring to RS of rug. Pass ch From bottom to top through horizontal strand of nearest sc of Rnd 27, [pass ch from top to bottom through horizontal strand of next st of rnd, thread ch from bottom to top of following st] rep around, at end of ch, fasten ends on WS. Make additional 24″ lengths of ch and continue around to end of rnd. Rep ch trim on Rnd 31.

Welcome home Rug-1

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