Trimmed Placemats
Trimmed place mats have banding stitched to one side. Purchase finished trim or cut trim from fabric.
Cutting Directions
Cut the place mat 1″ (2.5 cm) larger than desired finished size (page 104). Press W’ (1.3 cm) seam allowance to right side of place mat on all edges. Cut trimming long enough to go around edge of place mat, plus 1″ (2.5 em). You will need approximately 61″ (155 cm) own banding from fabric, allow 1/4″ (6 mm) on each side for finishing. Press under 1/4″ (6 mm) on long sides of banding.
How to Sew Place mats with Mitered Ribbon Trimming
1) Position short end of band W’ (1.3 em) beyond edge of mat,aligning lengthwise edge of band with folded outer edge of the place mat; pin.
2) Fold trimming straight back at corner so fold is even with edge of mat. Fold trimming diagonally to form right angle; press and pin. Repeat at next two corners.
3) Fold end diagonally at first corner to form right angle; press.
Remove pins. Baste on diagonal fold lines, using pins or glue stick.
4) Stitch each corner of trim on diagonal fold line, stitching on wrong side and beginning at inner edge. Back stitch at beginning and end of seam to secure.
5) Adjust mat size or miters if necessary. Trim seam allowances of miters to 1/4″ (6 mm); press seams open. Press under seam allowance that extends at one corner.
6) Baste trim to mat, with outer edges even. Stitch outer edge,beginning at one side and pivoting at corners; back stitch. Stitch inner edge.
{Credit} Singer sewing for the Home (copyright 1984-1988)
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