Basic Straight Skirt
Measurement Needed skirt length Waist Measurement Hip Circumference Instruction A-B skirt length A-C hip line (7” below waist) C-D 1/4 of hip circumference B-F 1/4 of hip circumference A-E 1/4 waist measurement (plus 1” for dart) E-G 1/2” (square into waist line as shown) A-I 1/2 A-E I-H 1/2” I-J 1/2” F-K 1-1/2” D-F Connect D-K connect (for the narrow look – optional) D-E connect with slightly curve To finish Add seam allowance as shown. Fold material on quarter of the hip measurement plus 1/2” seam allowance, after cutting you will open and get half of the skirt front or back SKIRT BACK A-B skirt length A-C hip line (7” below waist) C-D 1/4 of hip circumference (square across) B-F 1/4 of hip circumference A-E 1/4 waist measurement (plus 1” for dart) E-G 1/2” (square into waist line as shown) A-I 1/2 A-E I-H 1/2” I-J 1/2” F-K 1-1/2” D-F Connect D-K connect (for the narrow look – optional) D-E connect with slightly curve To finish Add seam allowance as shown. The front and back of the skirt is similar to each other except for the center back. Fold material on quarter of the hip measurement leaving 1-1/2” at center back only for zipper and back style ,and 1/2” for seam all around.
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